4 Things to Talk About at Thanksgiving

Julia M. Carlson |

The 2017 holiday season is officially here. As we start thinking about decorating, preparing food, making our wish lists and dashing out for Black Friday, I wanted to give you some ideas for meaningful conversations to have with your family and friends. Thanksgiving is a time to slow down, turn the technology off (or at least on silent) and enjoy the moments of joy with your loved ones.  

What has to happen on this day for it to have been one of the best Thanksgivings ever? Set your intentions and find out the expectations of what would make this a great day for your loved ones too. I do this with my children and I love how they light up telling me what they want to do!

What do you do that brings joy? Commit to scheduling this activity into your holiday season.

What is your best Thanksgiving Day memory that you are thankful for? Tell the story.

Remember lost loved ones. What legacy or wisdom did they leave behind that you are thankful for? I work with clients that are in the later stages of life and help them create a plan for moving their assets to the next generation. I refer to this as legacy planning. It’s easy to create a plan for money and tangible assets but much harder to transfer the wealth of wisdom they obtained over a lifetime. This is a perfect time to remember them, honor their wisdom and share with others.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope our day is Joyful.

Information in this material is for general information only and not intended as investment, tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation prior to making any financial decision.

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