3 Financial Tips for Fall

Julia Carlson |

As the leaves start to change and the pumpkin spice lattes are back in the coffee shops, we know fall is here.  It’s a beautiful time of year as the kids head back to school, routines are re-established, and the crispness of the air invigorates us.  Fall is a great time to start making progress towards your financial goals and create some momentum before the holidays.   Here are some tips to inspire you.

Plan for remainder of the year
Start planning now for the remainder of the year.  Setting intentions for your spending will ensure you meet your goals.  Expenses shouldn’t surprise us unless it is an emergency.  Set aside a little each month for the holidays and create a gift list now.  Look to purchase items when they go on sale.  This can create a sense of peace during the holiday season.

Prepare for critical changes
During fall we should consider the key decisions we need to make for the year to come.  For those on Medicare, open enrollment is coming.  It is also the time to make changes to benefits such as health saving contributions, medical coverage and memberships.  Look back at how the current year faired and decide how you need to adjust or adapt.

Pay off Debt
Tighten your expenses each month (dining out and groceries is an easy category to do this) and put extra money towards your smallest balance debt.  Paying off smaller balances first gives you momentum (and more money) to pay off the bigger balances. 

Creating a strong financial future can be overwhelming, but if you take baby steps and start small, big changes can happen over time. 

Information in this material is for general information only and not intended as investment, tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation prior to making any financial decision.

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